Too Many Damn Wizards!
Welcome to Too Many Damn Wizards, a brand-new podcast that began life as a book club but has transmuted to include a medley of media. Join Andy, Kayleigh and Shirley for a bi-weekly review show breaking down themes, characters, highlights and naming our wizard of the week.New episodes bi-weekly. Subscribe and join us on our perilous quest into all things Fantasy and Sci-Fi and uncover why are there so many damn wizards around here?!
Too Many Damn Wizards!
Mistborn Secret History by Brandon Sanderson
Andy, Kayleigh, Shirley
Season 1
Episode 8
Today we discuss Brandon Sanderson's novella “Mistborn: Secret History”. Fair warning, this book comes after Mistborn Era one trilogy so the advice is to not listen to this until you have completed those books.
We discuss the fallout from the end of era one and what happens after you die in the land of Mistborn and ramifications for what could be happening in the cosmere. The most disturbing part is that Andy, Kayleigh and Shirley all admit that when all is said and done, maybe the Lord Ruler wasn’t so bad… Maybe?!